Uganda’s standards body to inspect all imported vehicles

Ronald Owili
1 Min Read
Imported Vehicles at the Port of Mombasa. PHOTO | KPA

Used vehicle importers in Uganda will pay an inspection fee of $140 (Ush 524,440) per unit to the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) before release from all custom areas.

The new announcement will affect all used motor vehicles imported into the East African Community (EAC) member state between September 23 and November 1 of this year.

The decision is expected to give the bureau time to approve Pre Export Verification of Conformity (PVoC) service providers in key source markets.

“Effective 2nd November 2023, all imported used motor vehicles coming from Japan, the UK, Singapore, South Africa, the UAE and other countries must undergo PVoC with UNBS-approved PVoC service providers prior to importation into Uganda,” said Daniel Nangalama, UNBS Acting Executive Director.

UNBS has warned importers that all vehicles which will arrive in the country without the certificate of Roadworthiness from the set date shall be subjected to a penalty of 15pc of Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) value and will also be subjected to destination inspection which shall require payment of destination inspection fees of $140 for each vehicle prior to issuance of import Clearance Certificate.

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