Superform opens two new luxurious showrooms in Nairobi

KBC Digital
1 Min Read

Mattress maker, Superfoam Limited has opened two new state-of-the-art showrooms in Nairobi, offering an exquisite range of luxury mattresses, to the diverse needs of the Kenyan market.

Located at the Broadwalk Mall in Westlands and Rose Avenue shopping centre in Kilimani, the new showrooms are inviting spaces designed to provide customers with an immersive experience, allowing them to explore and select from an extensive collection of high-quality sleep products.

Kenya’s mattress market is experiencing a surge in demand as consumers prioritize comfortable and durable sleep solutions.

It is projected that the market will experience an annual growth rate of 8.58 percent (CAGR 2024-2028).

On average a person in Kenya uses nine mattresses in their lifetime.

At a standard mattress price of $88.8 (h14,240), the lifespan spent on mattresses per person amounts to $799.2.

The mattress industry in Kenya is presently valued at $549.7 million and is predicted to continue on an upward trend.

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