State to employ more JSS teachers

Silas Mwiti
2 Min Read
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The government will in the next financial year employ more Junior Secondary School (JSS) Teachers in a bid to address the current shortage.

In the same period, all JSS teachers who are interns will be employed fully with the government setting aside funds for the exercise.

According to Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, Parliament through a supplementary budget had allocated funds for employing more teachers.

Speaking in Kikopey Gilgil during a harambee, Nyoro said that the government had also set aside an extra Ksh 5 billion for capitation in schools.

“In the next financial year all interns serving as JSS teachers will be employed permanently as we get more teachers,” he said.

The MP defended the government amid concern over the high cost of living which had seen prices of basic commodities rise.

He said the prices of maize flour had come down due to the subsidized fertiliser programme.

He added that despite the public outcry the country’s economy growth was among the top in the world.

“We understand the public outcry but the government is addressing this and we have set funds to boast all cash crops,” he said.

Others who spoke were Gilgil MP Martha Wangari who lauded church for its role in the society.

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