Head of Public Service Felix Koskei has asked the Board of the Athi Water Works Development Agency to suspend its Chief Executive Officer Michael Thuita pending investigations into alleged irregularities in the award of tender for the construction of Ruiru II, Karimenu and Kitui Matuu water projects undertaken by the agency.
Koskei has also asked the Board of Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency to suspend its CEO Samuel Ouma pending investigations into alleged procurement irregularities in the implementation of the Water Supply and Sanitation System for Bomet/Longisa/Mulot towns project within the jurisdiction of the agency.
The Head of Public Service, in letters to the chairmen of the two boards, questioned why the two CEOs are in office, despite the pending investigations.
Koskei says the delay in taking action on the part of the board of directors and the ministry is undermining the government’s war against corruption.