Sen. Cheruiyot rebukes politicians naming publicly funded projects after themselves

Eric Biegon
1 Min Read

Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot is upset. He is displeased by a move by some politicians to name public projects after themselves.

Cheruiyot, the Senate Majority Leader, says the current trend is uncalled for, in bad taste, and only serves the personal interests of its perpetrators.

The legislator suggested a discourse to reverse the situation. He said, “We need a public Nomenclature bill in Kenya,” He insists that leaders will not take unwarranted credit.

“Politicians are increasingly abusing public trust by naming all manner of programs and projects after themselves. Shamelessly so, from school buses, roads, feeding programs e.t.c,” charged Cheruiyor

The Senator asks for an end to the practice. He says the actions are “unethical and uncouth” and show little regard for taxpayers’ feelings.

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