Registrar confirms appointment of Omar as UDA Secretary General

Eric Biegon
1 Min Read
United Democratic Party (UDA) secretary general Hassan Omar

The Registrar of Political Parties has confirmed the decision made by the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) to appoint Hassan Omar as the interim Secretary General.
In the notice, Registrar Ann Nderitu stated that the ruling party had informed her about their decision to replace Cleophas Malala on an interim basis until party elections are held.

“IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 20 (1) (e)of the Political Parties Act, 2011, the Registrar of political parties gives notice that United Democratic Alliance (UDA) intends to change the following interim party official pending the internal party elections: Designation – Secretary-General, Former Official – Cleophas Malalah, Current Official – Hassan Omar Hassan (Interim),” wrote Nderitu in the Notice

She emphasizes that anyone with concerns or objections should raise them within the next week.

“Any person with written submissions concerning the intended changes by the political party shall within seven (7) days from the date of this publication deposit them with the Registrar of Political Parties,” she said

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