PS Omollo: Gov’t to undertake massive infrastructural boost for Administrative Units

KBC Digital
2 Min Read
The Deputy President want the UN to support developing countries in mitigating the impact of climate change.

The government plans to construct more administrative offices as part of the government’s agenda on decentralization of security and government services, Interior PS Raymond Omollo has said.

Appearing before the Parliamentary Committee on Internal Security and National Administration, the PS affirmed that the mission is one of the Ministry’s seven priority areas in the upcoming financial year, with the newly-formed administrative units also set to benefit from the programme.

“Of course, number one is to enable the officers to run the new administrative units that we are going to put up and those that are yet to be operationalized,” Dr. Omollo said.

The PS highlighted logistical shortcomings that government administrators have had to contend with, adding that more resources will be set aside to acquire vehicles for Deputy and Assistant County Commissioners as well as motorcycles for Chiefs and their Assistants with a view to enhancing their mobility and service delivery.

He further appealed the Committee to lobby and push for more budgetary support.

Omollo also spoke of the historical pending bills, which he termed as a burden that has stifled the State Department’s progress in the delivery of key projects and programmes.

According to him, the claims amounting to Kshs. 2.77 billion have been accumulated over previous financial years, and plans are underway to clear them in the shortest time possible amid a funding gap that has encumbered the State Department.

The PS divulged that the Ministry is also out to buoy up its various semiautonomous agencies (SAGAs) to ensure they open own revenue streams as a strategic move to reduce their over-dependence of the exchequer.

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