President Ruto set to sign IEBC Amendment Bill 2024 into law

Eric Biegon
2 Min Read

President William Ruto will on Tuesday morning assent to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Amendment Bill 2024 at the Kenyatta International Convention Center, Nairobi.

Statehouse Spokesperson Hussein Mohamed confirmed that the head of state will be joined by leaders of political parties during the signing ceremony.

“As the first bill successfully processed by Parliament based on the recommendations of the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report, President William Ruto invites leaders of parliamentary parties, both inside and outside Parliament, to join him for this historic event,” he stated

The legislation seeks to introduce pivotal reforms aimed at refining the operational framework of the IEBC. The proposed amendments underscore the necessity for enhanced transparency, efficiency, and accountability within the Commission’s processes.

The Bill also introduces major structural changes including the elimination of provisions allowing the vice-chairperson or any member to act as chairperson in the event of a vacancy. The move is intended to consolidate leadership and maintain clear lines of responsibility within the Commission.

And in a bid to enhance electoral integrity, the Bill introduces a mandatory review of the conduct of general elections. The IEBC will be required to publish a comprehensive report within eighteen months post-elections, which will then be submitted to Parliament. This provision is designed to ensure improvements in electoral processes.

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