Pastor Dorcas meets widows in Kajiado, launches Sacco

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More than 3,000 widows meet in Kajiado County, and also in the meeting are Pastor Dorcas Rigathi, First Lady Edna Lenku, Nominated Senator Peris Tobiko, and Kimana Ward MCA James Kuya.

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has arrived in Kimana Ward, Loitokitok, Kajiado County for a widows empowerment meeting and launch of a sacco.

Pastor Dorcas has been joined by First Lady Edna Lenku, Nominated Senator Peris Tobiko, Area MCA James Kuya, and clergy from across denominations.

During the meeting, Pastor Dorcas will also launch the ‘Loitokitok Widows Sacco’ geared towards economic empowerment of women from the region.

She will also distribute dry foodstuffs to encourage better nutrition among families of widows who are vulnerable and marginalized following the loss of their spouses.

Since Pastor Dorcas started working with widows from the county, Bishop John Parit said they had invested in chicken keeping, goat keeping, kitchen gardens, incubators, tree nurseries, ushanga and other small businesses.

A majority of the widows in the cosmopolitan County are from the Maasai Community who have invested heavily in the ushanga business, selling colourful necklaces, bracelets, key holders, and belts made from beads.

The bead work business is a productive economic activity that has local and international trade links, exports that have found their way to the international markets and also attracting tourists and business people alike.

Pastor Dorcas has worked with widows since her days at the university having been brought up by Virginia Ikinu, her mother, who was a widow.

She encourages the emotional, psychological and economic empowerment of widows across the country and has met with widows, and also initiated projects in Migori, Kilifi, Nakuru, Nairobi, Bomet, and TransNzoia Counties.

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