Nyandarua MCA appeals for sports friendly facilities to pwd’s

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Nyandarua County nominated Member of County Assembly, mca, Joyce Munyua has called for consideration of people living with disability while building sporting facilities in the county.

The nominated MCA  also called for a review of the Disability Act so as to compel  implementation of a clause on  equal employment opportunities being accorded  to the people living with disabilities.

She said the Act is not clear whether it was mandatory for counties to ensure people with disabilities got five percent of all appointments made.

“The Disability Act says five percent of employment or appointments should be reserved for people living with disabilities but this is not happening in counties,” said Munyua, who is also abled differently.

She was speaking at the Nyahururu stadium during a fun day organized by athletes and other well-wishers to mobilize resources in support of parents who are bringing up children living with disabilities.

She also called for establ;ishment of a national fund to support special schools in the country.

John Kimeria, a well-wisher who attended the fun day said the Persons with Disability Act should be audited to check if it has been achieving its purpose since its establishment.

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