Participants in the ongoing Kenya Music Festival have championed for the importance of safeguarding children in light of significant technical breakthroughs that have given rise to myriad online hazards.
Music, in form of Choral verses has been used to push internet safety and digital responsibility agenda.
The festival is taking place at the Dedan Kimathi University of Science and Technology from 11th to 23rd August 2023.
For the fifth year running, Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) is the thematic sponsor of “Child Online Protection and Safety”, with a specific focus on “Promoting Safe Use of the Internet, Promoting Appropriate Online Behaviour, Avoiding Online Vices, and Protecting Your Online Identity and Reputation.”
CA’s partnership with the Ministry of Education is in recognition of the need to educate and sensitize the public on emerging issues through music for early-age and narratives, thus raising awareness on topical pertinent issues among Kenyans such as Child Online Protection.
“Consumers are a critical stakeholder, especially children and youth, as they are early adopters of ICT goods and services. In order to promote productive use of the Internet and create a safer internet experience for children and youth, there is need for continued multi-stakeholder collaboration” said Mr. Chiloba, Director General, CA during the official opening of the event in Nyeri.
“Our continued support to the Kenya National Music Festival is one of the means by which CA creates awareness on this very important matter. This platform enabled us achieve this mutual objective while encouraging children and the youth to showcase their talents through music and dance,” he added.
Over the years, the festival has emerged as an effective medium of inculcating positive values amongst children and youth.
“CA intends to use this platform to enlighten children on the proper ways of using the internet as well as protecting themselves online,” said Mrs. Patricia Muchiri, Head of Public Education and Awareness Department, Communications Authority of Kenya.
“We are giving students and by extension, even teachers and parents the knowledge, skills and tools to enable them safely navigate the online space,” she added.
“Music is such an important mode of communication, it speaks to us in a manner that no words can and enables us drive home the online safety message. ” she reiterated.
In as much as the internet is a gateway to limitless opportunities, access to the internet for children can expose them to various risks if they are not well empowered and protected. Online safety for children is of paramount importance so as to ensure that children safely harness the benefits of the internet.
The Authority invites children, the youth, parents, teachers and the general public to engage the Authority at the festival grounds so as to learn more on online safety as well as learn more on the development of the ICT sector in Kenya.