Lake Ol-Bolosat springs back to life, bringing hope to fishermen

Lydia Mwangi
2 Min Read

Lake Ol-Bolosat is showing signs of revival, thanks to short and seasonal rains that have hit the area over the past few months.

This resurgence has brought relief and renewed hope for fishermen who rely on the only lake in the Central Highlands for their livelihood.

Joseph Mbuthi and Erick Munene, both boat riders and fishermen at the lake, expressed optimism that the lake’s improving condition will continue, supporting their income and daily sustenance.

Fishing is permitted at Lake Ol-Bolosat in Nyandarua County, where it sustains small-scale fishing for both subsistence and commercial purposes.

However, the lake’s fish population remains low due to several factors, including habitat loss, water abstraction, and high evaporation rates. Two years ago, these challenges led to the lake completely drying up.

According to Mbuthi and Munene, mudfish are the most commonly caught species. The lake is also home to a variety of bird species and a significant population of hippopotamuses.

Nyandarua Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Game Warden Paul Wambugu highlights the lake’s importance as a critical water resource supporting both local communities and aquatic life.

A number of hippos that had migrated to nearby dams when the lake dried up are now returning as water levels rise again.

However, Wambugu is calling for concerted efforts to protect the lake from pollution and environmental degradation to safeguard the wildlife and ecosystem that depend on it.

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