Govt commissions Ksh 620M rural electrification project in Nyamira

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The government has commissioned a Ksh 620 million rural electrification project in Nyamira County a move expected to open up economic fortunes of the region. 

According to Energy and Petroleum Cabinet Secretary Opiyo Wandayi, the last mile connectivity project being implemented by the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Cooperation (REREC) the project is crucial in providing affordable power to households, businesses and shopping centres in the rural areas of the county.

“The large population of residents in Nyamira County reside in the rural setting and they have not managed to enjoy the benefits of rural electrification. As Ministry, we have strategized and laid down mechanisms to supply power to all remote parts of these Country. We shall ensure to fulfill this mandate without favoring particular areas or people or discriminating against any to ensure that the lives of all Kenyans especially those living in the rural areas are improved,” said Wandayi.

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