Forty African business leaders awarded by Stanford

Ronald Owili
2 Min Read

Eighteen Kenyans are among forty African business leaders who have been awarded by Stanford Graduate School of Business for the completion of an intense management program.

The 10-month long exercise under the Stanford Seed Transformation Program targets to help company executives  and founders scale to new products, customers and global markets.

“To date, Seed Transformation Program has seen 29,901 direct jobs created, 110,600 indirect jobs created, over $1b capital raised and $923m revenue added to local economies including Kenya, 16.6pc average compound annual revenue growth rate and 19.7pc average annual jobs growth rate across markets,” said the school.

According to Stanford Seed Regional Director Frank Waruingi the awards also served as an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the entrepreneurs and businesses within the alumni network throughout the year.

Speaking at the event, Equity Group Chief Executive Officer Dr. James Mwangi urged entrepreneurs to focus on building a strong business model fueled by a strong brand which will deliver phenomenal business growth.

Beneficiaries included business leaders from countries within eastern, southern and central Africa.

Some of the businesses that were recognized for outstanding growth included RFH Healthcare, Unity Homes, Danco Capital and Scanlab Nakuru.

SGSB expects additional enrollment by entrepreneurs next year seeking to sharpen their business management skills, tools, and mindset in order to scale their business.

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