States to submit nominations for candidates vying for AU positions by Tuesday

Christine Muchira
2 Min Read

All candidates vying for the eight senior leadership positions at the African Union Commission should have  their nominations submitted by Tuesday, 6th August 2024.

In a statement by AU, only names of candidates submitted by the region will be considered in the pre-selection process undertaken by the Panel of Eminent Africans.

The commission further noted that only Member States that are not under AU sanctions are allowed to submit candidates.

“The deadline for the submission of the regional nominations of candidates vying for the eight senior leadership positions at the African Union Commission is Tuesday, 6th, August, 2024.” The statement read.

The Commission notes that all the eight Senior leadership positions of the AU Commission are open for candidates’ submissions guided by the regional allocation of the portfolios.

The positions include that of the Chairperson the Deputy Chairperson, and six Commissioners posts.

Interested candidates have been advised to submit, to their member states, their curriculum vitae, along with vision statements outlining how they intend to advance the transformative agenda of the African Union, and to address the existing and emerging challenges facing the continent.

The elections for the positions are slated for February 2025 during the African Union Summit.


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