Concern as shortage of condoms hits Homa Bay County

KBC Digital
3 Min Read

Reproductive health stakeholders in Homa Bay County have raised concerns over a shortage of free condoms supplied by the government and development partners.

The National Syndemic Diseases Control Council South Nyanza Regional Manager Steven Oyugi said that the shortage has been experienced over the past three months and that it was widespread nationally.

He attributed the problem to delays in the procurement process.

Youth Advocacy Council for Health (YACH) President Mercy Kwamboka said the shortage was compromising the fight against the spread of HIV/Aids and other sexually transmitted diseases as well as unwanted pregnancies.

“Without condoms in dispensers in public places, youths are likely to engage in risky sexual behaviour which will lead to a rise in infections and unplanned pregnancies,” Kwamboka said.

During the International Youth Week celebrations, youths in the county raised concern about the shortage.

Reproductive health stakeholders who spoke during the meeting called on concerned agencies to act fast to address the matter.

They said it was worrying that condom dispensers in the majority of the public places were empty.

Homa Bay County leads nationally in HIV Aids prevalence at 19.6 percent according to the Kenya Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment (Kenphia) report.

Ms Kwamboka said youth in the county have begun a social media campaign to push the government to supply condoms.

County HIV Coordinator Omondi Obunga however asked residents to exercise more patience.

“Condoms may be in short supply but the issue will be resolved soon,” Mr Obunga said.

The County Director at the State Department of Youth Affairs Elector Opar said that the triple threat of new HIV infections, gender-based violence, and defilements was still a major challenge in the County.

She added that another major concern was mental health which affects the youths.

Zahra Hassan, an official from the office of Governor Gladys Wanga, said leaders have a role in ensuring youth and children live in an environment that is free from any form of violence.

“The county government is running programmes that are meant to empower youth and children. It includes scholarships and mentorship programmes,” Ms Hassan said.

She added that the county government will leverage on digital communication to reach the youth.

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