VFB Stuttgart officials train football coaches and teachers in Nyandarua

Bernard Okumu
1 Min Read


Several football coaches and teachers are receiving an introduction to the Sports for Development (S4D) courtesy of the VfB Stuttgart International.

VfB plays in the German’s top league  Bundesliga and some of its coaches and trainers have pitched camp in Nyandarua to train school teachers on pertinent football skills they can use to nurture and develop talents.

The training organised by VfB is being led by S4D instructor Andrew Oloo and Manuel Bierig, a trainer.

The VfB delegation, along with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and NABU (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union), also met Nyandarua County leadership to discuss the preservation of the crane population as well as the restoration of Lake Ol’ Bolossat.

They said that the visit also offers an opportunity to enhance cooperation between the County and VfB and its partners, who use sports to help create awareness among the children and youngsters of the threat to Lake Ol’ Bolossat.

Speaking at the Ol-Joro Orok Stadium, the trainers called on both the county and national governments to collaborate with sports’ stakeholders in order to look into ways of enhancing sports  development.


Report By Antony Mwangi, KNA NYANDARUA

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