Treasury releases Ksh 40B to various state departments

Ronald Owili
2 Min Read

The National Treasury and Economic Planning says it has disbursed a total of Ksh 40 billion to various state departments.

State Department for Basic Education has received the largest share of disbursement at Ksh 21.8 billion.

As schools ready to resume third term from August 26, 2024, a total of Ksh 1.6 billion has been allocated to the free primary education while free day secondary education has been allocated a total of Ksh 14.1 billion.

In the same state department, Ksh 6.1 billion has been disbursed to fund junior secondary education third term period.

State Department for Higher Education and Research has also been allocated a total of Ksh 7.9 billion where Ksh 5.1 billion has been allocated to Higher Educations Loans Board for students while Ksh 2.8 billion has been channeled to Universities Fund Board.

Disclosures from treasury also shows that State Department for Roads has received Ksh 2billion to be transferred to Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs).

National Irrigations Board (NIB) through the State Department for Irrigation will receive allocation amounting to Ksh 2.6 billion.

In the agriculture ministry, State Department for Crop Development has received Ksh 2 billion which is to be transferred to the National Cereals and Produce Board for payment of pending bills for fertilizer program during financial year 2023/2024 for short rains and long rains.

New Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC) under the State Department for Cooperatives is also set to receive Ksh 800 million.

Government flagship project Hustler Fund which was established to offer affordable loans to individuals and small and micro enterprises has also been received a total of Ksh 500 million.

Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Industry through the State Department for Industry has also received Ksh 1 billion for County Aggregation and Industrial parks (CAIPS).

State Department for Investment Promotion has been allocated Ksh 600 million which is to be transferred to the Export Processing Zones Authority.

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