Trans Nzoia County takes over management of Kitale Museum

Dickson Wekesa
3 Min Read

The County government of Trans-Nzoia has assumed the control of the Kitale Museum following the official signing of the Inter-Governmental Partnership Agreement (IPA) between the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) and the County Government.

Trans Nzoia now becomes the first county to undertake the management of the 33-acre museum complex.

Speaking after the official signing of the agreement, Trans-Nzoia Governor George Natembeya hailed the transfer of museum function to the county saying it marks a major milestone after 10 years of devolution.

Natembeya commended the efforts of the state department of culture arts and heritage, as well as the intergovernmental relations technical committee, for facilitating this transition and urged the national government to provide the necessary resources to support the county in its new role.

Culture and Heritage Principal Secretary Ummi Bashir assured stakeholders that the transfer of museums management to county governments would not disrupt current operations.

She reaffirmed the commitment to uphold the mandate of managing museums as prescribed by law and directed by the president, as outlined in the 10th Summit resolution.

Bashir also disclosed that the National Museums of Kenya is in the process of transferring museum functions to six other counties, underscoring the commitment to local autonomy and participation while ensuring the integrity and continuity of cultural institutions.

IGRTC Chairman Kithinji Kiragu emphasized the importance of validation workshops currently underway to ensure a seamless transition of responsibilities and resources, in line with the provisions of the constitution.

Kiragu also mentioned the recent successful transfer of 61 library functions, citing the state department for culture and arts and heritage’s commitment to upholding the constitutional mandate of devolving functions to counties.

Devolution Principal Secretary Teresia Mbaika reiterated the significance of collaboration between different levels of government in spearheading developmental processes.

Mbaika underscored the importance of synergy between national and county governments in advancing socio-economic progress and ensuring effective governance at the grassroots level.

Situated at the heart of Kitale town, Kitale Museum boasts a rich collection of artifacts representing various Kenyan tribes, including the Luhya, Maasai, and Turkana.

Additionally, the museum’s nature trail, nestled behind the main complex, serves as a sanctuary for rare plants and animals, including Nile crocodiles, leopards, tortoises, and venomous snakes.

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