Tong Il Moo-Doo: Kenya tops 11th Mombasa Open Edition

Bernard Okumu
2 Min Read


Kenya finished top of the medal charts during the three day Mombasa Open Tong Ill Moo-Do International Martial Arts Championship which culminated at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa.

The 11th edition of the championship attracted 12 other countries.

Hosts Kenya with a large number of entries  clinched a total of 191 medals ,46 gold 52 silver and 93 bronze to finish first ahead of Zambia who were placed second with 23 medals while Philipines collected 11 medals to complete the podium places.

In some of the individual results Senegal Taekwondo Open bronze winner Pauline Zawadi finished first in Individual forms female category after collecting 8.2 points ahead of Zambia’s Chitali Natalie and Mildred Akinyi who were placed in second and thir places respectively.

India’s De Sequira Erica was crowned the winner in the junior gilrs category after seeing off Kenya’s Eunice Mwende by 3 points to two .

In another junior gilrs category Mwanasheban Bakari emerged victorious as Mukiti Kmene and Bhutto Bessy were ranked in second and third positions resdpectively.Jayson Orfano won the 18 year olds Green to Blue titkle ahead of Athman Bakari and Nazia Raphael.

The championship attracted a total 12 countries among them Zambia,Philipines, Iran, India, Paraguay, Nigeria, Japan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Brazil, South Korea,Thailand and Coted’ivoire.




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