Tame corruption in counties, lobby group urges

Adan Ibrahim
1 Min Read

The Local Public Sector Alliance a lobby group involves in governance in Sub-Saharan Africa, has cited corruption and lack of professionalism as the biggest threat to devolved units in the continent.

The lobbyists meeting in Nairobi say unless the two vices are identified and addressed, realistic policy solutions in the devolved units will not achieve its intended goals.

Kenya is now on its 11th year of devolution thanks to the 2010 constitution.

Though tremendous progress has been made in the devolved units many still believe the units are captured in corruption and acts of nepotism.

The vices have been cited by the lobby, a pan-African movement tracking devolution, as the big hindrance for the continent to reap the big fruits of devolution.

The group that has been assessing progress of devolution says unless corruption and lack of professionalism is tackled with sobriety and agility nothing much will be achieved.

The Nairobi meeting seeks to share knowledge, identifying specific mechanisms that the continent can find lasting solution to make meaning of devolution.

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