State to repossess grabbed land in South B after court issues eviction notice

Prudence Wanza
1 Min Read

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission is in the process of executing orders issued by the Environment and Land Court in Nairobi revoking the title to grabbed government property located in South B, Nairobi.

The court nullified the title to the Government house and its accompanying land, which had been fraudulently allocated to a Ministry of Lands Official and his wife in 1999 through their private company, Gefrea Agencies.

The couple, George Fred Onyango (deceased) and Valeria Akuku, together with their business associate Sammy Musila, sold the property to George Kimani Njuki, the current owner, who has occupied the property over the years.

In the court ruling, Njuki was ordered to vacate the property within 45 days failure to which EACC will be at liberty to evict him.

Former Commissioner of Lands Sammy Mwaita who facilitated the fraudulent transactions was ordered to pay all the costs of the suits.

The Court further issued a permanent injunction restraining Njuki, his servants, tenants and agents from any further trespass or dealings in the property, except by way of surrender to the Government.

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