Ruto: Affordable housing to adhere to global green certification 

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President William Ruto

Affordable housing projects are to be aligned to global green certification requirements as Kenya seeks to partner with Green Climate Fund (GCF) to unlock access to finance for investment in low emission, climate-resilient urbanization.

While launching the Building Climate Resilience for the Urban Poor (BCRUP) strategy, President William Ruto said the strategy will integrate sustainable transport solutions like non-motorized transport in urban design and encourage the use of appropriate green building materials and technologies in light of climate change.

Data from UN habitat indicates that urban activities are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, with buildings accounting for 16pc.

However, lack of enabling policies, upfront financing and limited support for fostering new business models and technologies, is hampering efforts towards correcting this.

Kenya is banking on among others, the green climate fund to unlock access to much needed finance.

President Ruto said improved sanitation services, proper waste management and community level capacity building initiatives will be mainstreamed to enhance resilience strategies among the urban poor.

Further, government-backed Affordable housing projects will be aligned to global green certification requirements.

According to the intergovernmental panel on climate change new buildings must be zero net carbon by 2030 while existing buildings must be zero net carbon by 2050.

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