Tea hawking menace condemned

Christine Muchira
1 Min Read
Leaders from Kirinyaga County have condemned tea hawking in the region.
They have accused a private businessmen of exploiting farmers in tea growing areas of Kirinyaga county by buying tea in farms at low prices against the factory prices.
The factories that are under zone five are Ndima, Mununga Kimunye Thumaita and Kangaita.
The factories directors said that the private company have no legal license to buy tea from farmers urging the administration to curb the middlemen and subject them to punitive license that will stop them from the invasion.
While at a tea farm in Kiamunye, Gichugu member of Parliament Gichimu Githinji said that tea hawking is against the lately amended tea act.
He was accompanied by his Kirinyaga Central colleague Gachoki Gitari.
The legislatures condemned miller owners who have been approaching farmers in the farms carrying cash money to purchase tea noting that besides exploiting farmers they are degrading tea quality from the region since there are no regulations in the hawking.
Micah Ndui a farmer lamented that the hawking shall encourage tea theft.
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