Pastor Dorcas Rigathi urges Western Region to join the Boy Child Agenda

Prudence Wanza
4 Min Read

Spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi called on the leaders, teachers, and clergy in the Western Region to make a difference in this generation by rescuing the boy child from a path of destruction.

Pastor Dorcas said ‘Generation Z’ was lost in alcohol, drug and substance abuse, but as they are the future leaders, the current leaders and church must not watch as they waste away in the gutter.

She spoke to a gathering from Bungoma, Kakamega, Vihiga, TransNzoia, Busia Counties in a meeting attended by Bungoma Governor Ken Lusaka, Wife of the Governor Dr. Margaret Makelo, Deputy Governor Jenipher Mbatiany, Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa, bishops, and pastors.

“The satanic agenda is to destroy the boy child. He is the seed carrier, who propagates generations. If the seed carrier is eliminated, even the girl child will not have a chance of becoming a mother. So, when I address the issues affecting the boy child, they also touch on the girl child,” said Pastor Dorcas.

She gave an example of teenage pregnancies, which although largely affect the girl child, are brought about by the boy child, depicting the need to have the boy child agenda as priority in the nation.

“When the boy child is aligned with his destiny, we shall have fewer cases of teenage pregnancies, rapes, criminal activities, and gender based violence. And if we can have a conversation between the fathers, and sons, even female genital mutilation can be eradicated,” she added.

She said the ‘national conversation’ about the boy child must across religions, social status, rural and urban areas, and race because the drug and substance abuse pandemic has affected everyone, irrespective, and most especially the boys and men.

She also condemned the LGBTQ agenda, saying it was ungodly, and a foreign agenda that does not support family values.

“Legally, LGBTQ is criminal; constitutionally, LGQBT is disallowed, in the African tradition LGBTQ is a taboo, and the Bible also says LGBTQ is an abomination,” warned Pastor Dorcas.

Governor Lusaka urged the leaders present to do something transformative to society, and cause a difference.

“Every time God wants to do something for the human race, He raises a leader. Pastor Dorcas will be remembered for this boy child program, what will you be remembered for?” asked Governor Lusaka.

On Saturday, Pastor Dorcas had also cast her vision of the boy child in Nandi County during a medical camp organized by Special Olympics Kenya and County Government of Nandi.

Nandi Governor Stephen Sang pledged support to the rehabilitation program, in collaboration with the fight against illicit brews, drug and substance abuse in the country.

“The revenue collected from liquor licensing board will go towards rehabilitation, not towards any other development in the county,” said Governor Sang.

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