New Season of VYZOV National Prize for Future Technologies begins

KBC Digital
7 Min Read

On March 3, during the press conference at the World Youth Festival, the start of the new season of the VYZOV National Prize for Future Technologies and a call for applications were announced.

In 2024, the Prize becomes international with the establishment of the new Discovery category. Scientists from all countries in the world can apply for participation in this category.

The traditional categories remain in place, including Vision for scientific achievement that has impacted the dynamics of the development of science and technology (awarded to scientists under 35 years of age at the time of application); Scientist of the Year for overall personal contribution that changed the landscape of science and technology; Engineering Solution for an important invention or creation of a new technology; Breakthrough for scientific research that helped solve an important scientific or technological problem.

Leonid Shlyakhover, President of VYZOV Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Cultural Relations, noted that the international category takes the Prize to the next level: “This year, we made an important decision. We basically erased all borders for our Prize. Now we are open to the entire world. It does not matter what passport scientists have or what language they speak. We stand for open and honest international dialogue in science based on principles of trust and cooperation.”

Artem Oganov, Chairman of the VYZOV Prize Scientific Committee, emphasized that Russian scientists who currently live and work abroad can also participate in the international Discovery category as well as foreign nationals: “Any scientist can now apply for the Prize, regardless of citizenship and country of residence. Science needs tools for objective assessment of the level of scientific efforts, and the scientific committee of the VYZOV Prize guarantees impartiality of such assessment.”

Aleksey Fedorov, Deputy Chairman of the VYZOV Prize Scientific Committee, noted the increasing interest in the Prize and expects a significant growth in the number of applications this year: “Last year, we received 218 applications. We expect a significant increase in the number of applications in 2024. We are already witnessing the growing interest among scientists and engineers in our Prize.”

Pavlos Lagoudakis, Laureate of the 2023 VYZOV Prize, explained how the Prize impacted his scientific career and brough new opportunities for professional growth and development: “The VYZOV Prize has given me unprecedented publicity, interest from the media and the scientific community. This helped not only to draw attention to what I do, but also to share with a large number of people a very important idea that we need international dialogue in the scientific field because science has no borders.”

Dmitry Zauers, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank, commented on the reason why it is important for businesses to support fundamental scientific discoveries: “The VYZOV Prize is an example of a completely new relationship between big science and big business. Such interaction is often based on quick result and quick benefit. We, however, see our mission in supporting fundamental science, in finding right now the future technologies that will become part of our daily lives in the next one or two decades. In December, we managed to start a dialogue by bringing together representatives of business and scientific communities in one place for the awards ceremony. This year, we are raising the bar and reaching a new level by going global. We understand that international cooperation in the field of science and business has always been the foundation for great achievements for all mankind. We hope that VYZOV will manage to become the bridge for a thorough dialogue with scientists and businessmen from different countries: together we will be able to achieve technological breakthroughs.”

Ekaterina Solntseva, Director for Digitalization in ROSATOM, believes that VYZOV has valuable potential for popularizing scientific research and contribution of scientists in creating future technologies: “The current scientific agenda is largely determined by breakthrough achievements at the intersection of scientific disciplines. They will lay the foundation of the technological landscape for the 2030-2040s. Our task is to inform the public about the advances of scientists in the most important interdisciplinary areas. The VYZOV Prize aims to show the society a new generation of scientists who are the heroes dedicated to their work.”

The VYZOV National Prize for Future Technologies is timed to coincide with the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia. It is designed to draw attention to breakthrough ideas and inventions that are changing the landscape of modern science and the lives of all people. With the addition of the international nomination, the Prize can also become an effective tool of “scientific diplomacy”.

Speaking at one of VYZOV Foundation events, Thomas Greminger, former Secretary-General for OSCE, Director of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, said: “Given the strong polarization of the world due to political tensions, it is very important to identify the so-called islands of cooperation, areas where we have common interests. Science can become a tool of soft power and help solve diplomatic problems.”

Ana Maria Cetto Kramis, Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, said: “Science continues to bring us together, building bridges and helping to move forward”.

The mission of the VYZOV Prize is to form clear motivation and aspiration among the younger generation to engage in science in our country.

The goal of the Prize is to set the stage for practical implementation of breakthrough technologies, turn scientific discoveries into a symbol of success in modern-day Russia, to enhance the prestige of science as an occupation, which corresponds to the new Russia’s Scientific and Technological Development Strategy.

The prize fund of the 2024 VYZOV National Prize for Future Technologies is 50 million rubles in total, 10 million rubles in each of the five categories.

Applications for participation can be submitted on the official website of the VYZOV National Prize for Future Technologies: премиявызов.рф

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