The government is set to introduce a new livestock management system which is expected to improve the livestock value chain and boost the sector’s competitiveness.
Speaking exclusively to KBC Channel 1 during on the Shift, State Department for Livestock Development Principal Secretary Jonathan Mueke said the new system which has been developed by Safaricom will help create a database of livestock keepers across the country to support delivery of government incentives such as the e-voucher system for fertilizer.
“We have asked Safaricom to develop for us a system in which we can deliver subsidies. Vaccination subsidy, breed subsidy through artificial insemination, feed subsidy and any other subsidy that we might want to send out to the farmer,” said Mueke.
Mueke said the system dubbed Mifugo System will be piloted next week in Baringo County before nationwide rollout.
Mueke stated that the government is undertaking programmes in the livestock sector which are expected to make the sector locally and globally competitive. The programmes include livestock nutrition, breed improvement and feeds which are further backed to help commercialize the sector.
He defended the ongoing livestock vaccination which has brought discomfort among some farmers saying the move in critical in helping the country’s livestock and livestock product access the international market.
“We found out that we were vaccinating between 10-15% of our animals. That’s when we came up with a decision and a policy as government that we are going to vaccinate north of 85% of our animals so that we can control disease and make a point to the market that we are serious on food safety,” he stated.
The vaccines which are made locally by the Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute (Kevevapi) are currently subsidized and will be provided free of charge to farmers in the first year.