Mombasa, Embu Counties form committee to draft regulations on Miraa/Muguka sale

Haniel Mengistu
3 Min Read

The Governors of Mombasa and Embu counties have reached a consensus on the urgent need for the regulation of Miraa and Muguka amidst growing concerns over the detrimental effects of the stimulant on the youth population.

To curb the rising consumption of the commodity, the duo has agreed to establish a committee tasked with addressing contentious issues surrounding muguka trade and consumption.

On Wednesday, Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire led a delegation of ten MCAs from muguka-growing wards, traders, and cooperative leaders to engage her counterpart Abdulswamad Nassir after Mombasa County introduced a raft of measures, including a proposed twofold increase in cess charges on Muguka trucks.

The two Governors reached an agreement to review licensing fees for Miraa and Muguka dealers from Ksh80,000 to Ksh60,000.

Nassir noted that proposed regulations do not target to stifle the economies of certain regions or traders but to protect children.

The county boss issued a ten-day notice to muguka and miraa traders to move 100 meters from institutions of learning, places of worship, madrassas, and Sunday schools.

“All traders of muguka will be licensed in a bid to nab unethical traders selling to children,” said Governor Nassir, adding that after the expiry of the notice, enforcement will go into full throttle.

In addition, Nassir said efforts are ongoing to map out institutions of learning across sub-counties to identify areas with high concentrations of muguka sellers.

Governor Mbarire acknowledged muguka as a stimulant and a scheduled cash crop, emphasizing the moral imperative to protect children from its harmful effects.

She urged cooperation between counties to effectively address the challenges associated with muguka consumption.

“We fully support the need to regulate muguka trade in Mombasa. We are also cognizant of the moral imperative to protect our children from the consumption of this product because it is a stimulant, just like alcohol,” said Governor Mbarire.

“We must ensure it is only consumed by adults who are able to make reasonable and objective decisions,” she added.

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