MCA Kamaru wants culprits of drunk driving to serve in mortuaries

Maxwell Wasike
3 Min Read

Kahawa West Member of County Assembly (MCA) Clement Ng’ang’a Kamaru has tabled a motion at the County Assembly of Nairobi proposing to have culprits of drunk driving work in mortuaries.

According to the ward representative, if adopted, the move will deter reckless driving and violation of traffic rules and supplement ongoing  efforts meant to address the challenge posed by driving under the influence (DUI).

“Deeply concerned that despite the existing statutory provisions, regulations, and mitigations on road safety towards the deterrence of drunk driving, road carnage as a result of same remains on the rise in the County and Country at large, covering 32% of all the reported road accidents, with such cases recorded on late nights in the weekends; acknowledging the need for a multi-agency approach towards the deterrence of drunk driving by the introduction of community service for the offenders as a way of changing of attitude and bring awareness of the imminent risk of loss of life associated with such unlawful and unethical act,” the motion reads.

Those found guilty of driving while intoxicated will be deployed at a mortuary for community service, under a Community Service Order, according to the proposal titled; “Introduction of a Community Service for all Drink and Drive Conviction at the County Mortuary facilities for Deterrence,”.

Drunk drivers have been blamed for the many accidents that have been recorded , not just in the city, but across the country.

If the proposal is passed, an offender will be required to clean and carry out any other administrative duties in the morgue for a full day, under the supervision of the chief administrator of the mortuary where they will be deployed, as part of community service.

The motion, which appear to have the support of a substantial number of MCAs, will need collaboration between the national and county governments, and the Judiciary for its full implementation if approved.

The laws that govern road conduct are enshrined in the Traffic Act which provides for punishment of offences committed by motorists .

The Act recommends that any driver found guilty of drunk driving is liable to offences ranging from hefty fines to suspension of driving licenses for 12 months.

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