Let’s embrace Pan Africanism, Pastor Dorcas tells African leaders

Prudence Wanza
3 Min Read

The Spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has called on African leaders to reach an agreement to make a free Africa.

Speaking in State House Entebbe Friday evening Pastor Dorcas said the only way to achieve the Pan African dream is by removing imaginary barriers of 1884 within African countries.

“From where I sit, I think it is time for Pan African spirit. Let African leaders OAU and regional bodies reach an agreement to make Africa free. We are born free spirits, happy, joyful. Let the fathers of Africa rise and make the right decision to remove the 1884 imaginary barriers,” she said.

She was making a keynote address during the launch of the book ‘Jesus’ Africa’ written by Patience Museveni Rwabwogo.

She expressed confidence that Africa has a huge potential that has been hindered by restrictions among African countries. Pastor Dorcas said Africa has everything it needs adding that Africa has a potential to trade within itself and make use of the available resources.

“Let our children enjoy the African heritage, and dream of crisscrossing and living the dream of Cape to Cairo without boundaries or demand for a visa to restrict them. This I believe is our way of resolving internal conflicts,” she said.

“Letting the light shine in Africa as one people, speaking one language of love, letting our children dance and celebrate being African and let them trade with each other,” she added.

Her sentiments were echoed by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni who accused African countries of failing to unite and consolidate their win against the whites.

President Museveni said Africans were divided by the whites for being greedy. He added that Africans sold their birthright to the whites.

“There was no way the Europeans could have penetrated Africa at that time. They (Europeans) did not have technology strong enough to defeat us. They had some guns but those guns were not very efficient.so the main problem was us, especially the chiefs,” he said.

President Museveni said even after Africans won against the whites, they did not consolidate the victory through economic-political integration and self-sufficiency. He said Africans did not concretize their win. He has called on the East African countries to implement the words of the East African anthem.

“Here we sang two Anthems, one for Uganda, one for East Africa. That is good, to sing the anthem, but let us implement the East Africanisms,” he said

In her book ‘Jesus Africa’ Patience Museveni Rwabwogo narrates how she received a vision from God in 2005 about the African continent. She says she heard a voice saying ‘out of what was called darkness, will come a great light. This light will come from within you.

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