Kwale Stadium upgrade on course following delivery of seats and goal posts

Bernard Okumu
2 Min Read


A consignment of seats and goal posts have been handed to Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani.

The delivery of the consignment by the Sports Ministry puts on course the completion of Kwale Stadium which hosted Mashujaa Day in 2024.

The delivery of the 8,000 seats follows President William Ruto’s promise to the County Administrators during 2024 Mashujaa Day where the head of state said he would help the county officials build the facility to suit International standards.

Sports Kenya Director General Gabriel Komora delivered the seats on behalf of Sports Cabinet Secretary Salim Mvurya. Kwale County  Governor Fatuma Achani said the delivery of the seats is a huge step in modernizing the facility.

“I am grateful to the President Dr. William Ruto for directing sustainable development projects to our county especially the support of 8,000 seats and modern goal posts aimed at uplifting the standard of our lucrative state of the art stadium aimed at nurturing and tapping talents at the developing stage. I am also grateful to the CS for Sports who made sure the stadium is equipped with seats so that the people of Kwale both men, women and children can enjoy watching football matches in a dignified environment,” said Achani.

Sports Kenya Director General Mr. Gabriel Komora said that the 8,000 seats and modern goal posts was just but one of the many ways the national government will support the County Government in making sure that the facility plays its crucial role of developing emerging sporting talents in the area.

“I am here to represent the Cabinet Secretary for Sports H.E. Salim Mvurya who has sent me to deliver the seats to this state of the earth stadium in Kwale main objective is uplifting the face of the stadium to reach national standards where national league matches can be hosted here,” said Komora.

Kwale Stadium has a capacity of 13,000.

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