Kenyans to enjoy lower calling rates after CA review

Prudence Wanza
2 Min Read

Kenyans are set to enjoy lower calling rates from March 2024 following a review by the Communications Authority (CA).

This follows a review of Mobile Termination Rates (MTR) and Fixed Termination Rates (FTR).

In the review, CA capped the MTRs and FTRs at Ksh 0.41 per minute from Ksh0.58 for all telecommunications companies which shall apply for a period of two years from March next year.

Short Message Service (SMS) termination rate will remain at Ksh0.05 per SMS.

“MTRs and FTRs are the costs that operators charge each other to allow customers to communicate across networks,” reads the CA statement.

The changes will apply to local voice traffic, calls within the country.

“The new rate is informed by the prevailing economic environment, ICT market dynamics and the need to strike a balance between the promotion of investment and the protection of consumers. Lower MTRs and FTRs mean lower calling rates for consumers.”

CA adds that the decision will have a positive outcome for both the consumers and operators with onsumers enjoying access to a variety of affordable services across networks while operators will have mere price flexibility in developing more affordable products.

“Ahead of the new rates taking effect, all operators are required to vary their InterconnectionAgreements in line with the Determination and file their Deeds of Variation with the Authority latest 1st February 2024,” CA says.

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