Kenya Space Agency signs MoU to set up facility in Konza

Claire Wanja
2 Min Read
Brig. Hillary Kipkoskey (left) Acting. Director General, KenyaSpace Agency (KSA) and John Paul Okwiri (right) CEO Konza Technopolis, signingthe MOU that will allow KSA to use Konza Data Center for the management of its data.

Kenya Space Agency (KSA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Konza Technopolis to use its Data Center for its operations.

“The MOU presents an opportunity within which KSA will access our infrastructure such as data center, secured cloud and data protection facility,” John Paul Okwiri, CEO of Konza Technopolis said.

The MOU provides for our collaboration that will propel our relationship and enhance our capacity and capability as we both operate on the innovation and science space, he added.

Kenya Space Agency is a state corporation mandated to promote, coordinate and regulate space related activities in the country by promoting research and innovations in the space science, technology and respective applications as well as enhancing regulatory framework.

“KSA generates massive and voluminous space derived data and we require a first class facility that can support us in our data requirements such as processing, storage and data management,” Brig. Hillary Kipkoskey said, during the signing ceremony.

The MOU brings together two entities that are forward looking with focus on securing socio-economic development of the country.

The Konza National Data Center is a state-of-the-art Tier III Uptime certified Data Center that serves as the technological engine driving the overall mandate of Konza Technopolis and other clients. The cloud services and solutions offered include, infrastructure set up and access, platform services, software solutions and colocations services. It has advanced power management systems, backup power systems, advanced cooling and air conditioning systems and advanced security and monitoring systems.

“Beside us seeking to utilize the Data Center, we are also going to establish our presence here in the Silicon Savannah to allow us to deepen our collaborations in areas of space derived data to enable us to inform the government on key areas of development,” Brig. Kipkoskey said.

The space agency is focused on deriving data on areas such as agriculture, disaster management, security, communication, urban planning and resource management, he added.

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