Kenya aligns population policy with vision 2030 and global goals

Beth Nyaga
3 Min Read

The Government has launched Sessional Paper No. 1 of 2023, the Kenya National Population Policy for Sustainable Development, which shifts focus to a sustainable human development model that places Kenyans at the heart of national development.

This policy framework emphasizes maximizing human capital potential with the aim of harnessing the demographic dividend to achieve sustainable development goals.

Speaking during the launch event in Nairobi, Treasury Cabinet Secretary Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u stated that the fourth National Leaders’ Conference (NLC) on Population and Development, held in May 2021, played a pivotal role in the policy’s formation.

During this conference, critical population issues were discussed, and a consensus was reached.

He noted that the recommendations from the NLC were incorporated into the draft policy and subsequently presented to Members of Parliament for further discussions and refinement.

Prof. Ndung’u explained, “The revision process of this critical policy was comprehensive and inclusive, involving a multi-sectoral, participatory approach. Extensive and intensive reviews of relevant information and data were conducted. Consultations with leaders, policymakers, and a broad spectrum of stakeholders from both the national level and all 47 counties were integral to this process. Key Informant Interviews with policymakers and policy dialogues with representatives from the private sector, religious leaders, and youth leaders provided valuable insight.”

The Kenya National Population Policy for Sustainable Development seeks to address seven broad areas:

– Population Size, Growth, and Age Structure
– Fertility
– Morbidity and Mortality
– Mobility, Migration, and Urbanization
– Population, Human Settlement, Environment, and Disasters
– Data, Research, and Innovation
– Resource Mobilization

The policy aligns with Kenya’s Vision 2030, the Constitution of Kenya 2010, and various national and international aspirations and goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), African Union Agenda 2063, and commitments from the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).

It builds on the progress made under previous policies, responding to the evolving socio-economic landscape and emerging population and development issues.

Principal Secretary for Economic Planning James Muhatia emphasized the importance of the policy, noting, “The Kenya National Population Policy for Sustainable Development is a crucial framework that will guide the development and implementation of population programs.”

“It ensures policy coherence, leverages actions and resources, and anticipates actions based on evidence. This policy is a testament to our commitment to improving the quality of life for all Kenyans.”

Dr. Mohamed Sheikh, Director General of the National Council for Population Development, noted, “The implementation of the policy will be carried out at both national and county levels, utilizing a multi-sectoral approach adding that the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) will spearhead the efforts, ensuring that all sectoral and inter-sectoral policies and programs are aligned towards achieving the policy’s objectives.”

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