Jubilee Insurance says it’s on course to be net zero firm by 2030

Ronald Owili
2 Min Read
PHOTO | Courtesy

Jubilee Insurance’s ambition to become a carbon neutral firm within seven years in on course according to the group Chairman Nizar Juma.

The insurer says it is currently deploying various initiatives within the organization in order to become Net Zero by 2030.

Juma says the firm has taken significant steps to integrate environmental sustainability into its business practices, including the promotion of eco-friendly policies, adoption of paperless operations and the exploration of innovative solutions to reduce environmental degradation.

“Our company will continue to mitigate the impact of our operations on the environment while investing in sustainable practices and technologies to achieve our goals,’ said Juma.

Similarly, the insurer has partnered with One Way to collect and recycle all its plastic waste besides going paperless by introducing digital processes to reduce paper waste in its operations.

Juma says to advance e-waste management, the company is eliminating idling computers from its premises.

“We believe that our individual and corporate commitment towards safeguarding the planet will trigger change and pave the way for a more sustainable future,” added Juma.

The insurer has undertaken a green approach in its new offices in Upper Hill which is 100pc solar powered advancing sustainable energy use with low environmental impact.

Jubilee Insurance participated in the global commemoration of the World Environment Day, an initiative aimed at raising awareness and encouraging action towards environmental conservation.

As part of the celebration event, staff members signed a creed that is aligned to the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) principles and values of the Net Zero Agenda that include responsible stewardship, sustainable support, well-being of the vulnerable, proactive leadership, increasing impact and effecting societal transformation as their commitment to do their part to protect the environment.

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