Gov’t engaging private companies to employ TVET graduates

Jeff Mwangi
1 Min Read
Principal Secretary State Department for TVETs Dr Esther Mworia.

The state Department for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has began engaging private companies to employ students who graduate from technical institutions.

Speaking during a graduation ceremony at Nkabune Technical Institute in Meru County, the principal secretary state Department for TVET in the ministry of Education Dr. Esther Thaara Mworia said the department is already working with the  German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) among other motor vehicle assembling companies to offer skills and job opportunities for students who are in technical institutions.

She said the department is also working with the state Department for ICT in putting up ICT hubs where already 94 TVET institutions have ICT labs.

She further noted that the labs will equip and train students on accessing international jobs online adding that more TVET institutions will be fitted with such ICT labs.

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