Governor Mbarire issues stern warning to Embu health workers

Sally Namuye
2 Min Read

Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire has read the riot act to health workers over poor performance.

This is after allegations about the death of five infants at Embu Level Five Hospital on Friday night were published on the social media following the countrywide electricity blackout as a result of lack of standby generators.

Governor Mbarire however denied the claims saying the rumors were being peddled by a section of health workers who were opposed to the changes instituted at the facility including use of biometric data to gauge performance.

“We know there are those who want the status quo to continue whereby they want to report on duty and leave at their own pleasure with some delegating duties to their colleagues,” she said.

She said no amount of intimidation of misinformation will deter her from streaming the health sector and that those who were not ready to comply with the new order of doing things should be ready to face the consequences.
She clarified that no life was lost as a result of the blackout since the facility had five functional standby generators and the blackout did not interfere with operations.

“That Friday during the blackout, 21 mothers delivered and some of them were undergoing through caesarian and you can’t do that without lights, I believe there is someone who wants to rub mud on the name of Embu county but I believe they will not succeed,” she said.

issuing a stern warning Mbarire said hospital workers must clock in while checking in for work and clock out while leaving as proof of having reported to work which will also go a long way in justifying their pay at the end of the month and put a stop to ghost workers.

The Governor said only one death was recorded of a premature baby born at 21 weeks and that there were a total of 22 deliveries among them seven through caesarian who are all in good health.

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