Government, development partners step up efforts to help flood victims

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The Ministry of Health has underscored the need for proper consolidation of solid waste management to curb the outbreak of water borne disease as the country continues to experience flooding.

Public Health Principal Secretary Mary Muthoni revealed that the government is collaborating with development partners to bridge the gap of lack of clean water provision to 7.3 million Kenyans.

Following the Governments’ appeal for aid to Kenyans displaced by floods in the country well wishers among them UNICEF and the British Government representatives Saturday Pitched Camp in Mathare Area.

The delegation visited an IDPs camp at Huruma Grounds as well as health and water Facilities.

UNICEF Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa Etleva Kadili, and the UK Deputy Development Director Eduarda Mendonca Gray pledged development partners’ aid in providing sanitation services across the Country.

At least 44 cholera cases have been reported in Tana River and Marsabit Counties where the Kenya Red Cross is conducting medical outreach programs to control spread of the disease.

Over 286,000 people have been affected by the floods, with 56, 367 households displaced and 267 deaths reported.

So far, the government has set up 167 camps across 22 counties hosting 70, 451 people.

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