Government addressing root causes of Child Labour, CS Bore says

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Cabinet Secretary for Labour and Social Protection Florence Bore on Friday reiterated her Ministry’s commitment to ensuring that children in Kenya are well protected against Child Labour and its worst forms.

Speaking during celebrations to mark the International World Day against Child Labour in Kericho County, Bore said her Ministry is implementing strategies to ensure that there are sound policies and programs geared towards protect young ones from exploitation.

“To effectively reduce Child Labour, we are adopting a holistic and integrated approach that combines community engagement through sensitization, education, economic empowerment, technology innovation and legal enforcement,” she said adding that these approaches will address the root causes of Child Labour which mainly include poverty and inadequate enforcement of the law.

“Sustainable alternatives of livelihoods should be available for the communities to accord children to enjoy their childhood as well as enjoy the right to education,” she said

The Minister asked parents and guardians to refrain from engaging Children of school age in economic activities.

“Kuna tofauti kati ya kufunza mtoto kazi na kutumia mtoto kwa kazi. Over the weekend and during holidays you can teach them how to work. But don’t prevent a child from going to school so they can work,” she stated

The Cabinet Secretary disclosed that her Ministry, in collaboration with International Labour Organizations and other stakeholders, is currently reviewing the National Policy on Elimination of Child Labour as well development of the National Action Plan 2024-2030 to implement the policy which aims to accelerate the multi-stakeholder efforts to prevent and eliminate all forms of Child Labour in Kenya.

To increase the chances of success, Bore said the Labour Ministry is intent on working in collaboration with other Ministries and Agencies in mainstreaming the elimination of Child Labour in various sectors including Education, Mining, Agriculture, livestock, and tourism where Child Labour is prevalent.

“Towards this, I shall initiate the formation of an inter-ministerial committee on the Elimination of all forms of Child Labour from the mentioned Ministries,” she said

And that’s not all, as the CS committed to ensuring that my office will work closely with county governments to develop and implement child protection policies that will ensure that there is zero tolerance for child labour.

She spoke as ILO Africa ACCEL National Project Coordinator Hellen Lintari confirmed that around 4.5 million children in Kenya are in Child labour.

“That is our latest data. That is not a good number. Such statistics are grim,” she said

Bore said the International World Day against Child Labour provides a platform to raise awareness of harmful activities that affect the health, safety, and morals of a child.

This year’s commemoration focused on the theme “Kenya is committed to end Child Labour: The time to act is now,” emphasizing a strong commitment to ending Child Labour and its worst forms.

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