Firm bets on new line to ease cost of fish feeds

KBC Digital
1 Min Read

The cost of fish farming is expected to reduce with the operationalization of a new fish feeds line by Tunga Nutrition.

Blue Economy and Fisheries Cabinet Secretary Salim Mvurya has lauded the move saying it will go a long way in reducing the cost of fish feed by up to 15pc and reduce order-delivery turn-around time from 45 days to within a day.

Despite being of high nutritional value, fish farming is a capital intensive venture owing to among others the high cost of fish feeds.

Statistics from Electronic Fish Market Information System indicates that Kenya still imports close to all of its protein feed inputs including Soya beans, mainly from neighbouring countries, Uganda and Tanzania.

The new line has a capacity to produce 25,000 metric tonnes of fish feeds per year.

CS Mvurya further noted that the implementation of the import levy would stem unfair completion from cheap fish imports.

Government of Kenya projects that the total aquaculture production will increase from the current 20,000MT annually to over 100,000MT in the medium term and to over 450,000MT by 2030 with proportionate market value.

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