Enhancing road safety through technology

Dismas Otuke
3 Min Read

Parents will now be able to monitor their children as they transit from home to school and vis-a-vis thanks to the TransitTag Technology that has now been officially flagged off in the country.

The invention is among key innovations that ensures road safety in the country, by the Numeral IOT company that prides itself in key technological innovations such as the manufacturing of vehicles speed governors and tracking systems.

TransitTag has features that enables parents to get notification on their children’s whereabouts while being transported to school, who their children interact with and also it will act as a medium of communication between teachers and parents unlike the use of traditional methods of conveying information such as diaries.

TransitTag has features that enables detection of any unroadworthy behavior and signal warning to the driver, if the driver is adamant to adhere to stipulated traffic rules, it automatically reduces the speed of the vehicle and then sends a message to the school’s authority so that they can take action .


According to Morris Mbetsa, CEO Numeral IOT the system has a communication module referred to as numeral infinity engine, which packs a lot of power that is enabled to manage these devices. So it is an edge computing.

In edge computing the device works without depending on a network or another system.

It has enough power to be able to make all these decisions.

Therefore its security cannot be compromised since it cannot be infiltrated by any third party system.

Dr. Nancy Macharia a lecture at JKUAT- School of Computing and IT, has encouraged students to embrace the STEM course noting that the country has had tremendous achievement in the field over the recent years compared to a few decades ago.

Observing the paradigm shift , she has advised upcoming STEM students to embrace art courses too as they co-relate in the world of commercialization.

Addressing the press ,Muraya Kamau, CEO Devient limited ,urged local industries to embrace purchasing electronic softwares and hardwares from the country as they are affordable and of good quality .

His sentiments were echoed by Jalango Washington,a software engineer who encourages developers to keep abreast with the changes and trends in Science and Technology,in this competitive sector, lauding Numeral IOT for setting pace to upcoming innovators.

They also made a clarion call to the government to create an enabling environment and enact favorable laws to support technological innovations in the country.

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