EAC States reaffirm commitment to advancing renewable energy sources

Christine Muchira
6 Min Read

East African Community (EAC) Partner States have reaffirmed their commitment to enhance energy efficiency and exploit wind, solar and geothermal energy as sustainable energy sources for the region.

Partner States have subsequently embarked on various initiatives in an effort to tap into the potential of renewable energy and energy conservation, such as review of national renewable energy laws, implementation of energy management regulations, national strategies and standards for energy efficiency and renewable energy, and promotion of energy efficiency and conservation.

During the Ministerial Session of the 16th Sectoral Council of Energy that was held at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania, Partner States reported that investments in wind and solar energy infrastructure were also underway, from Burundi’s solar mini-grids to Kenya’s wind and solar projects, all aimed at increasing renewable energy contributions to the national grid.

Similarly, Rwanda and Tanzania reported increased investment in solar energy projects, while Uganda reported that she is focusing on solar energy deployment for rural electrification.

The Ministers were informed that the Partner States were also exploring mini-hydro projects and transforming biomass energy sources with initiatives ranging from promoting sustainable charcoal production to implementing clean cooking solutions and bioenergy strategies.

The Ministers noted the updates on ongoing fossil fuel projects and underscored the region’s commitment to fossil fuel sub-sector development.

Notable progress includes Kenya’s commercial oil discovery in the South Lokichar basin within the Tertiary rift basin with an estimated 2.9 billion barrels and a recoverable estimate of 585 million barrels.

Other updates were on Tanzania’s preparations for the 5th licensing round of oil and natural gas exploration blocks on both onshore and offshore areas, with an aim of attracting more investors; Uganda’s petroleum resource development projects and the progress in the construction of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project whose actual Installation of pipes on the ground is scheduled to begin in May, 2024; and Rwanda’s utilisation of methane gas for electricity generation.

In promoting petroleum exploration and development in the region, the Sectoral Council approved the 11th East African Petroleum Conference and Exhibition 2025 (EAPCE’25) to be held from 5th – 7th March, 2025 in Tanzania.

With regard to power connectivity in the region, the region has a total power supply installed capacity of 7,381.67 Megawatts while the total system peak demand stands at 4,811.2 Megawatts. The regional per capita electricity consumption was reported to range from 25 kilowatt hours in Burundi to 153 kilowatt hours in Kenya.

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The Ministers however noted that challenges in electricity supply persist, particularly as a result of vandalism of electricity infrastructure. To this end, the Partner States have committed to combat the issue, with Kenya establishing specialised police units.

The EAC Secretariat urged the Partner States to implement mitigation measures such as copper-plated earth rods, regulating scrap metal transactions and community sensitization.

Speaking during the opening session of the Ministerial Session, the Chairperson, Shaib Hassan Kaduara, the Minister of Water, Energy and Minerals, Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania, standing for Republic of South Sudan, which is the current Chair, emphasised the significance of the energy sector noting its unique role in achieving socio-economic development of the Community.

“Energy plays a critical role in industrial development and investment promotion, and therefore access to reliable, safe and cost-effective energy is not optional but compulsory if our region is to realise its development objectives,” said Kaduara.

The Minister extended an invitation to Partner States to the official launch of Tanzania’s Julius Nyerere Hydropower Plant scheduled for 25th February, 2024.

“This hydropower plant has a capacity of generating 2,115 Megawatts, the launch of this project is a milestone that will reduce the deficit of electricity not only in Tanzania but in the entire region,” he added.

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In her remarks, the EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of Customs, Trade and Monetary Affairs, Annette Ssemuwemba, said that the EAC has rich energy resources most of which remain untapped.

“Most people still rely on biomass which is inefficiently utilised and degrades our environment,” said Ssemuwemba who represented EAC Secretary General Dr. Peter Mathuki at the meeting.

“As a region, we must therefore focus on sufficient, reliable and cost-effective energy to meet our development needs, and in this regard, there is need to come up with recommendations for solutions that will guide the sector,” she added.

Also present at the meeting were Eng. Ibrahim Uwizeye, Minister of Hydraulic, Energy and Mines, Republic of Burundi and Peninah Malonza, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary, for EAC, the ASALs and Regional Development.

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