CS Kuria: Intern Doctors to join Public Service as Junior Doctors

John Jacob Kioria
2 Min Read
Public Service CS Moses Kuria.

Public Service CS Moses Kuria has announced plans to integrate doctors on internships into the public service as junior doctors.

The CS said the move will address the ongoing challenges within the sector even as he called on doctors to resume duties, following the Labour and Employment court decision staying the nationwide strike.

The announcement follows a meeting convened by Head of Public Service Felix Koskei on Thursday night which brought together various parties and stakeholders including Cabinet Secretaries, the Council of Governors, Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU), Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), Public Service Commission (PSC), The Kenya Federation of Employers; and Central Organisation of Trade Unions (COTU-K).

Kuria urged the doctors to embrace dialogue, saying it was not right for doctors to stop providing emergency services at public hospitals, as they demand better wages.

The CS spoke on Friday at Kiobwoge Vocational Training Centre in Nyamira County, where he is on a tour of the NYS-VTC Mashinani program.

He was accompanied Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo, West Mugirango MP, Stephen Mogaka, County Commissioner Erastus Mbui, among other local leaders.

Kuria said the partnership between the county government and national government through the NYS will see the VTCs upgraded and equipped to offer courses up to diploma level.

The rebranded NYS-VTC Mashinani will also benefit from NYS instructors.

The CS said the Ministry of Education will integrate and harmonize the curriculum of VTCs, NYS and TVETS.

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