Court declines DPP’s request to withdraw Ksh30M graft case against ex-KPC MD

Prudence Wanza
1 Min Read

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) has suffered a setback after the Milimani Anti-corruption court declined to withdraw a Ksh30 million graft case against former Kenya Pipeline Managing Director Charles Kiprotich Tanui and his co-accused.

The ODPP had applied to have the case dropped, but the court turned down the request, ordering that the matter proceed to its conclusion.

This comes after 25 witnesses who testified against the accused individuals changed their testimony when called to court.

This marks the second time the court has denied the DPP’s application to dismiss the case, with the trial court also rejecting the request.

Tanui was charged in 2020 alongside other officials for making a fraudulent payment of Ksh30 million in a tender at KPC for the installation of transformers using falsified documents.

The officials purportedly made an irregular payment to a firm (Redline Limited) for supplies that were never installed.

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