CoG cautions hospitals against turning away patients due to SHA challenges

KBC Digital
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Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki, who also serves as the Chairperson of the Council of Governors’ Health Committee, has cautioned health institutions at both national and county levels against turning away patients due to challenges with the system. He emphasised that these issues, which remain unresolved as of now, are actively being addressed.

“Kumekuwa na tabia katika hospitali zetu za serikali na za kibinafsi zinazotumia bima ya SHIF kutuma wagonjwa nyumbani kwa sababu hawajaweza kujiandikisha. Ni hatia kutopeana matibabu kwa sababu huwezi kulinganisha maisha ya mtu na mitambo,” he said

Governor Njuki, whose term as head of the health committee has recently been renewed, is advocating for support for the Social Health Authority (SHA). He described the current challenges as teething problems associated with change that will be resolved in due course.

“Tunaomba kila Kenya ajiandikishe. Watu wanasema SHIF ina matatizo mengi. Lakini ni nini haina matatizo inapoanza? Hata mtoto akizaliwa siku ya kwanza inakuwanga shida. Bima ya SHA itakuja kuwa bora zaidi kwa sababu kila mtu atapata huduma za afya,” he stated.

According to Njuki, the new health plan aims to ensure that all Kenyan citizens are registered and receive care, in contrast to the NHIF plan, which only covers about 25% of the population.

“Tuligundua tukiwa serikali kuwa hiyo bima ya NHIF haikuwa inafikia watu wengi Kenya. Ilikuwa inafikia watu wachache ambao hawakuwa wakifika 25%. Asilimia 75% ya Wakenya hawakuwa na bima na hiyo ilileta shida kubwa ambapo kukiwa na ugojwa tunauza rasilimali zetu,”“Serikali imebuni SHA ambayo iko na bima tatu. Kuna bima ya Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) ambapo hakuna Mkenya asiye na mapato hatalipa chochote kupata matibabu kwa sababu inalipwa na serikali,” noted the Tharaka Nithi County Governor.

So far, SHA has registered approximately 13 million Kenyans, with efforts underway to increase this number.

The Tharaka Nithi Governor is also advocating for an expansion of the services offered to enable Kenyans to access a broader range of healthcare services.

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