Bunge La Mwanachi commemorates International World Social Justice Day

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The prominent social justice movement Bunge la Mwanachi, Tuesday, commemorated the  International World Social Justice Day, 2024,  under the theme, ‘Is Kenya a fair, Just, and equitable country to all? and What are Social Justice Actors’ Perspectives?

Speaking during a press briefing at Ufungamano House in Nairobi, the President of Bunge la Mwananchi, Francis Awino, acknowledged the existence of numerous working opportunities in Saudi Arabia.

Awino urged the people to pursue the opportunities, while at the same time cautioning them to be extra careful, due to safety concerns.

“We are struggling to get our women from Saudi Arabia because of mistreatments, and struggling to get their bodies back, because of death,” said Awino

He called on the government not to take advantage of the desperation of Kenyans due to the lack of jobs, by taking them to work in places where they would come back dead.

“Which mechanism has the government put in place, to ensure our children’s safety when they go out?” he questioned.

Awino further said that he is going to make sure that the Kenyans who don’t have houses are the ones who are going to occupy the Affordable Houses.

He announced that the movement will hold monthly meetings and be the watchdog, to ensure that the country is safe and just for everyone.

The Attorney General, Bunge La Mwanachi, George Bush, said that the policies of the government administration have been under injunction by the judiciary, showing that social injustice has become a norm in Kenya.

“There is a Public Benefit Act in Parliament that has been passed, but not operationalized. We call on parliament to FastTrack and enact the Bill into an Act so that the President can sign to it,” urged Bush.

Noting that Kenya is the most unfair and unequal country, he appealed to everyone to channel their efforts, to ensure that the country is a just society.

Meanwhile, a member of the Nairobi Water Justice group, Asua Irene maintained that water is a public good and therefore it should not be privatized.

“We must defend water from privatization in our country and tariffs should be distributed equally,” added Asua.

She accused Members of Parliament of selling the country to multinational corporations, citing the regulations passed by the government to privatize water.

Asua reiterated that Bunge la Mwanachi has registered disappointment in the current Parliament and demanded to know which senators are on the public’s side and which ones are selling the country.

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