Boost for Malkia and relay team as EABL makes Ksh.10m donation

Bernard Okumu
4 Min Read


The National Olympic Committee of Kenya has welcomed the recent move by the World Athletics body to award prize money to gold medalists at the Olympic games.

The road to Paris promises to be a lucrative affair with the Kenya bound team receiving a ten million boost from EABL to aid in their preparations.

The Olympic games will take place from 26th July to 11th August this year .

The National Olympic committee of Kenya Secretary General Francis Mutuku said the announcement by World Athletics is set to increase competition for podium places but at the same cautioned the long term impact of the scheme on the spirit of Olympic games.

‘’We know that in recent years there have been development where the sports has become more professional. There have been request for athletes to have some prize money  we will see how it goes and we welcome the development but we also emphasize that the Olympic spirit of participation is maintained even when winners will be getting prize money’’, Mutuku remarked.

The prize money is set to spur the competition and the battle for top positions in athletics is likely to be stiffer.

‘It [PrizeMoney} will make it very competitive normally championships breaking of records is normally difficult athletes fight for the medals so for the athletes individual focus they will have something at the end,our prayer is that the Olympic spirit will be maintained while realizing the needs of the current generation’’, Mutuku remarked.

World athletics early this week announced a reward of Ksh.6.5Million to Olympic gold medalists starting with the Paris games.

2008 Beijing Olympic games 800m champion Julius Bungei and Sprints coach Stephen Mwaniki said the reward will play a big role in motivating the athletes as well as boosting the fortunes of the winners.

‘There has never been money and nobody has ever complained and it keeps attracting top athlete in the world so money has never hindered the performance and attraction of sports cream, but the fact that they have introduced money for athletics we look forward for the spirit to be maintained’’ Bungei reckoned.

‘’Things have changed and its not like before it will greatly boost the athletes morale especially to athletes who come from challenging backgrounds. The cash award is able to turn around athletes lives so it’s a good gesture’’,Mwaniki intimated.

Meanwhile the Relays team and National women’s volleyball team, Malkia strikers received a 10 million sponsorship from EABL as they prepare for their upcoming events .

Malkia strikers received 5 million shillings to boost their preparations for the Olympic games in Paris.

The Relays team will use the 5 million shillings they were given to prepare for next month’s World Relays Championship in Bahamas which will also be used as an Olympic qualifier.






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