Air operators back competitive bidding to modernize JKIA

Ronald Owili
2 Min Read

The Kenya Association of Air Operators are proposing a competitive and transparent bidding process in government’s plans to modernize the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

KAAO board says the development plans being considered for aerodrome need to align with the National Aviation Policy and a well-developed JKIA masterplan which should form the business case for a concession process.

“The Board in its deliberations confirmed that it does not support the concession of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) as currently conceived, noting further that the stakes are too high for a one-bidder process for such an important strategic asset, and that the credibility of the potential partner is also in question,” said KAAO.

According to the association, any future concession plans for the facility need to be undertaken with full consultation of industry stakeholder and which gives priority to critical development of a second runway and terminal expansions.

Early last month, the High Court stopped the planned leasing of JKIA to Adani Airport Holdings by Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) after the process was challenged by the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and the Kenya National Human Rights Commission (KNHRC).

“The Board observed that given JKIA’s strategic position, there had been in the past several PIPs and Expressions of Interest, which further supported the call for a competitive process,” KAAO added in a statement.

The mention of the case for a judicial review is set for today.

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