Community leaders in Kirinyaga County have condemned vandalism of public utility projects and urged police to bring to book anyone found culpable of such acts.
Their calls came after some local politicians led by Kirinyaga Woman Representative Jane Maina and Baragwi Member of County Assembly David Mathenge allegedly led goons in vandalizing the infrastructure for Mukandu-ini Water Project in Kanyeki-ini ward in Kerugoya Central Constituency.
Led by Leah Nyaguthii, Chairlady Kamiigua Smart Women group, the community leaders said that it was highly regrettable that a project that has been implemented using the taxpayers’ money is unable to benefit the intended community since it has been destroyed by people settling political scores.
She said that residents of Kirinyaga will not allow anyone to destroy development projects that they fought so much to have implemented as that would be undermining their right of access to basic services and amenities.
She called on the authorities to investigate into the recent incident and ensure that those behind it are punished and made to pay for the restoration of the project.
“Kirinyaga County has in the recent years experienced transformation in various development sectors and we cannot allow a few individuals destroy the gains we have so far made.” Said Jane Magondu, a community leader from Kangai Ward noting that destructive politics are retrogressive and have no place in Kirinyaga County.
The community leaders vowed to defend their projects against interference and destruction saying that they have faith in the County Government’s service delivery. “We cannot allow people to come and destabilize our development agenda”!, said Mary Wakathare from Kangai Ward.
At the same time they asked those dragging Governor Anne Waiguru’s name into an incident in which Kirinyaga Woman Representative, Jane Njeri was allegedly attacked by goons in Kerugoya Town on Tuesday.
They said that the MP’s hired goons who had accompanied her in a protest in the town must have turned against her, which has nothing to do with Waiguru.