20 more firefighters and rescuers in Kiambu graduate, boosting disaster preparedness

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20 firefighters and rescuers from Kiambu County have graduated after intensive eight-month specialised Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) training in collaboration with Poland.

The training, which began in March 2024, was a partnership of the County with the Polish Government through the Polish Centre for International Aid, which has strengthened Kiambu’s disaster response capacity and even attracted beneficiaries from other counties.

Kiambu is the first county in Kenya with a state-of-the-art USAR training school that has so far graduated more than 300 trainees who are firefighters and emergency personnel from Kiambu and Nairobi counties, including the national government.

Those trained can quickly locate and save the lives of people trapped in collapsed buildings, expertly handle rescue equipment, and have diving skills to handle water disasters and turn around dangerous situations.

Governor Wamatangi commended the Polish government for the partnership noting that the disaster preparedness in the county had greatly improved in terms of promptness in response and handling disasters.

“This partnership has been pivotal in enhancing the capabilities of our fire brigade, and for this, we are profoundly grateful. We have witnessed an improvement in the team of firefighters and rescuers as witnessed from recent disaster events within the county. I am happy to report that the long-standing agreement between Kiambu and the Polish government has also enhanced our fire and rescue equipment, granting Kiambu a national outlook,” he noted.

The training school is located at the Kiambu Fire Station in the Indian Bazaar area of Kiambu Town and is specially constructed to simulate real-life disaster scenarios.

Kenya has suffered a blunt of asset losses and lives lost in collapsed buildings with 87 collapsed buildings reported between 2017 and 2023.

“This partnership is timely and equips the team with advanced tools and skills for rescue work critical in saving lives,” said Samuel Kahura, Chief Fire Officer of Kiambu County.

County Chief Officer of Utilities Ms. Virginia Kahonge noted that the disaster preparedness in the county had received a critical boost in all areas of rescue and disaster preparedness.

“While about seven fire stations serve Kiambu County, we are satisfied by the firemen’s dedication and commitment to work. This is a life-changing opportunity for our firemen and we want to commend and appreciate our partners for their devotion,” she noted.



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